Hey Guys

In this blog  learn how to crack photoshop cs9 so be ready and I will tell about it step by step so be with me 

Intro of photoshop cs9
hey, guys, as you know photoshop is artistic software.it is an evolutionary software for the artist you can  make anything with photoshop and in this blog, I will show how you can get for free so, let's begin 

1.First step
download this software from my link which is at last of the blog.

2. extract the zip with the help of and zip opener 


3. step 
now go to the extracted folder

4.step double click on the folder name Photoshop cs6

5.now these steps shown in picture

choose your

This is the most important part in which you gonna put activation key in photo shop setup

Now enjoy if  you face any problem then ask me on Instagram

you can make any type of fantasy image with Photoshop
Download link is below 

for more tutorial like below follow me on instagram

 Download photoshop cs6

In my next blog i will tell you hoe to crack Photoshop cc 2020
be with us